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Terms & Conditions

Enrollment in private lessons at Creative Chords commits students to their weekly scheduled lesson. Regular attendance supports the development of skill and repertoire and promotes student preparation for performance opportunities offered throughout the year.

The set monthly tuition rate at Creative Chords is based on the average of lessons offered throughout the academic year. The annual fee, covering 39 lessons, is divided into 11 equal monthly payments from September to August. Payments are due on the 1st of each month, made in advance. An auto-pay option is available through our school portal for convenience. Your invoice will be sent approximately one week before the first lesson of each month and must be paid before your first lesson.

If you are unable to meet a payment deadline, contact Olivia immediately. It is unfair to expect the school to provide tuition when payment has not been made; therefore, the school reserves the right to refuse to teach a student who arrives for a lesson that has not been paid for.

Membership at Creative Chords commits students to their instructor’s weekly private lesson calendar. Memberships auto-renew monthly until notice of withdrawal is received. To be removed from the instructor’s private lesson calendar, the academy must receive notification by the 4th of the student’s last month. Withdrawal requests received after the 4th of the current month will be eligible for the next withdrawal period, and the student will automatically be enrolled on the instructor’s private lesson calendar for the month following the current month. If the 4th falls on a weekend or holiday, withdrawal requests can be provided via email or by leaving a voicemail at the studio. All withdrawal requests received by the monthly deadline of the 4th will be honored if the studio is closed that day. You must give at least one month's notice in writing if you are going to terminate the lessons.

There are no refunds, tuition deductions, or rescheduled lessons provided for student absences. If the instructor cancels a private lesson, the student’s account will be credited for the amount of tuition related to the canceled lesson(s). In the event of a student absence, the student has the option to request a LessonMate, a video make-up lesson supplement completed by the instructor during the missed lesson time.

Afternoon Lessons: Requests must be placed by 2pm on the day of the scheduled lesson.
Morning or Saturday Lessons: Requests must be placed by 9am on the day of the scheduled lesson.
Requests placed after the provided deadlines cannot be honored.

The instructor reserves the right to send a substitute instructor from Creative Chords’ approved substitute list in the event of his/her absence. The substitute instructor will complete requested LessonMates in the instructor’s absence.

Creative Chords has an OPEN DOOR policy. Parents are welcome to sit in on lessons at any time and are encouraged to check in periodically. For added student safety and parent enjoyment, viewing monitors are on display in the lobby. To ensure your child’s safety, children will not be allowed to wait in the reception area unattended. Please make sure your child makes it to their lesson and the instructor is present. Creative Chords faculty and instructors are unable to supervise children waiting in the reception area before and/or after classes/lessons.

In the event of an instructor’s departure, Creative Chords will notify the student/student’s parent of the replacement instructor and the date of instructor change.

Creative Chords aims to provide the most comprehensive music education available. Students will be exposed to a range of music, technology, styles, and creative endeavors. Lessons are tailored to suit the individual goals and desires of each student, encouraging curiosity and creativity. Students will learn how music is constructed and how to create their own. We develop their reading and technique, cover a large amount of repertoire, and provide a holistic education suited to their level and future goals. Students will have the opportunity to perform at least twice a year and will be entered for examinations and festivals when ready.

Students are responsible for arriving at lessons on time, with the correct books, and having completed their practice. Students should practice to achieve goals, not merely to fill time, and are expected to follow all instructions week-to-week.

It is important that both teachers and students arrive on time for their lessons. No extra time will be given to students who arrive late, but any time lost through a teacher’s delayed start will be made up.

All lessons missed as a result of teachers’ absence shall be made up at a convenient time for all.

Parents and adult students are welcome to call Olivia during office hours to discuss any matters associated with their education. Please avoid calling or texting after 6pm. Emails may be sent anytime.

The school reserves the right to change teachers at any time during the course.

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